Rabu, 05 Januari 2011


yeah, memang.
maafkan saya jika saya jarang menulis blog ><
Karena saya banyak kerjaan a.k.a sibuk *owesss emg sibuk apaan?* aku g bisa buka blog *padahal tiap hari fb'an* huahahahha I'm sorry than.

Nahh, yg dateng pas BBQ'an taon baru loh cuma : JustinNiaBeny. Madesu tohh? =3=
Lahh Justin pulangnya jam setengah 2, Nia nginep, ma Beny pulang setengah 11. sangar toh yoo? wuahahhaha. itu bakal jadi kenangan tak terlupakan. wkwkkwkw. 

And, FINALLY, I'm have best friend who can understand me. Huehehhe. She's kind, friendly, and beauty :) her name was Novia. hehe. Enjoy :) <3

Christmas and Happy New year :D

sorry lekk telat ngucapin >,< but,  
bentar lagi masuk skolah  :'( aku gmau!!!! >,<
skolah itu jelas" membosankan. hehe. Ya gt deh.
trus, sekarang aku masih libur skolah, tpi bsok ud masuk T^T hiks".

And, I love my family <3 They always give the best for me, alwas support me. 
I hope in this new year, I can be a better person, pass from the UNAS, etc.

I can't hope to much now, for any blogger in this world, I hope you celebrate your Christmas as same as me and my friends. I'm invite my friends to celebrate new year. It's so fun, and there is fireworks. We made it by our self. huakakakka. Thanks for reading :*